We have been so busy making the latest movie – Sensitive And In Love– that we almost overlooked some major exciting events that happened to Sensitive-The Untold Story in the last few days! Sensitive-The Untold Story is now available on Amazon US and UK and will be available on Amazon in Germany and Japan in […]
What do you do when you feel you are born with an unbearable flaw, and you don’t know yet that you share it with 1.4 billion people. Rob and Jessica grew up feeling just that. Inspired by the international bestseller The Highly Sensitive Person and global media sensation 36 Questions that lead to Love, SENSITIVE […]
We had a full house of HSP’s and non-HSP’s last night at the ‘Sensitive-The Untold Story’ world premiere at the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco, CA and 52 countries were streaming it online. Both Elaine and the film got a standing ovation. Here is what Alanis Morissette had to say about ‘Sensitive-The Untold […]