Dear “Backers”,
I finally made myself look at the comments. I knew it would be highly overstimulating, and that I would want to answer every single one of you. But it is also so moving, as many have you noted, to read these comments. For some reason I especially love the ones from places distant from me. And the one about the book by the mother writing about her son’s suicide having to do with his having been sensitive–I have always suspected many suicides by youths, especially boys, are due to them being HSPs without any understanding of who they really are. Imagine saying a few lives with this movie?
I also love the many suggestions. How will we take them all in? It seems like we have enough material for three or four movies, but I am trusting Will and Diana Harper (Director and Producer) to make use of all the ideas and potential interviews as much as they can. They are about to go to Europe, for another job, but will use being there to interview some HSPs there, too. It seems like a huge responsibility, making this film in a way that meets at least some of your needs and expectations. But we will do the best we can.
I also appreciate Shari, one of our team members, being so responsive to you all. It’s just her sweet way, but I do appreciate it.
I think we will all look back on these 21 days as a huge step in the history of this, well, I don’t like to say it, but a huge step in this “movement” of sensitive people stepping up to express themselves. You have voted for this movie with your hard earned dollars. No one in the movie industry would have thought this film would be wanted, I am sure. Your wish for this movie will say something to the world, I am certain.
Human society needs all of you so desperately. (No pressure there!) Just be yourselves, express your sense of the long term consequences of what we humans are doing, using your deep feelings and your sense of the subtleties, and all this without becoming overstimulated! (As if I manage that 10% of the time…)
Tuesday we say good-bye, I guess, although you can still comment here, I think, and certainly on the movie website and on mine. Stay in touch with each other, support each other.